The Simple Maths

There is this thing about maths. It’s logic and self-explaining as soon as you understand it. I mean, what the hell is not logic about a graph? See?! You just have to memorize the “recipe” for how to build a graph or you know.

But as soon as I have to write a test, regardless of whether it is just an improptu written assignement or a big exam, I can’t see the solution at all, now matter how easy it is to find it.

That is the most frustrating feeling you can get. And believe me, I get it a lot.

I just do not know what I can possibly do to provide it. If the source of my problem was a lack of paying attention in class or a default of doing my homework, I would know how to remove this issue. But the case is slight different. At home, in class there is seldom a big misunderstanding between math and me. I kind of like the feeling to get a task done. Makes me feel as if  I may be not that stupid after all.

So I do not know what is going on with my mind during a test. And what I can do about it.

Hmm maybe some extra exercise instead of trying to write ablog post in english

We’ll see 🙂 Bye